Building a Next-Gen System Infrastructure for Integrated Data Analysis Pipelines
EU-H2020 project DAPHNE defines and builds an open and extensible infrastructure for integrated data analysis pipelines.
EUHubs4Data – Open Call
Funding, expertise, and support for cross-border collaborative experiments.
Safe-DEED brings data privacy and economic development together
Toolset to support Data-driven Business Model innovation with special attention to privacy preserving technologies.
Alles Digitalklar?
Neue Initiative rüstet KMUs für die digitale Zukunft.
New chair for International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era
Initiative to advance scientific and practical understandings of how to teach, how learners learn, and how technological systems can more effectively support education.
Know-Center Experte bei ADV Tagung „Trends in der Digitalisierung“
Vortrag zum Thema „Natural Language Processing.“
Know-Center Experte bei ADV Tagung „Trends in der Digitalisierung“
Kürzlich nahm unser Kollege Oliver Pimas an der ADV- (Arbeitsgemeinschaft…
Mit innovativen Technologien globale Herausforderungen meistern
Computer- und Datenanalyseumgebung soll Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaftlern aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen verbessern.
Know-Center & University of Tallinn publishes Paper
A Cooperative Design Method for SMEs to Adopt New Technologies for Knowledge Management
Know-Center & University of Tallinn publishes Paper: A Cooperative Design Method for SMEs to Adopt New Technologies for Knowledge Management
Recently we published a paper together with the School of…
Know-Center & University of Tallinn publishes Paper: A Cooperative Design Method for SMEs to Adopt New Technologies for Knowledge Management
Recently we published a paper together with the School of…
Know-Center & University of Tallinn publishes Paper: A Cooperative Design Method for SMEs to Adopt New Technologies for Knowledge Management
Recently we published a paper together with the School of…