The Second International "New Business Models" Conference took place from 20th to 23rd of June 2017. It was organized by the Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research from the University of Graz. Know-Center was represented there with four accepted papers.

As the Know-Center is a Research Center for Data-Driven Business, Data-Driven Business Models are naturally of high relevance to the company’s business and research. Therefore, four Know-Center papers (Short Abstracts and presentations) have been accepted at the second New Business Models Conference (NBM 2017).

  • Designing an ICT tooling platform to support the needs of SMEs in business model innovation (de Reuver, Mark; Haaker, Timber; Breitfuss, Gert; Roelfsema, Melissa; Kosman, Ruud; Heikkila, Marikka; Tarkus, Astrid).
  • Changing business models arising from digital transformation: A best practice case Study based on two Austrian companies (Stabauer, Petra*; Breitfuss, Gert*; Lassnig, Markus).
  • Data Market Austria –Austria’s First Digital Ecosystem for Data, Businesses, and Innovation (Traub, Matthias*; Gursch, Heimo; Lex, Elisabeth; Kern, Roman).

as well as

  • Bringing Big Data to Adolescence –Specifying Business Models by Practice (Stern, Hermann*; Dennerlein, Sebastian; Pammer-Schindler, Viktoria; Ginthör, Robert; Breitfuß, Gert).

For Hermann Stern, Deputy Head of Ubiquitous Personal Computing, which also comprises the business area Data-Driven Business Models, the factor of data is an essential assed in the search for disruptive business models:

“For many of our COMET partners and clients, monetization is the next logical step after the (often rather internal) data driven optimization of business processes – it is therefore becoming more and more about developing complementary services or entirely new products and to offer them on the market.”.

We appreciate the presented papers and congratulate all authors to their success!


press release

New Business Models Conference 2017