SAFE-DEED-Projekt: New EU project reconciles Big Data Analyses and privacy
In order to secure the growth of the european data…
European Big Data Value Forum: How AI will change the foundations of our world
From the 12th to the 14th of November, the European…
Thick air adieu: Know-Center improves air quality in buildings with COMFORT project
Since the 1st of October, the Know-Center has been researching…
Know-Center expert talks about added value through data-driven business at WOTAN User Meeting
The latest WOTAN user meeting of the Know-Center-COMET partner GH-Informatik…
Know-Center makes Austria’s roads safer in cooperation with the ASFINAG
Effective tools to increase road safety: Dynamic traffic signs, situational…
All good things come in threes: At the European Big…
First Massive Open Online Course on the MOVING Platform
The first MOVING MOOC starts on the MOVING platform on…
First Massive Open Online Course on the MOVING Platform
The first MOVING MOOC starts on the MOVING platform on…
Industry Business Safari makes a stop at the Know-Center in Graz
The concept of the Industry Business Safari: Companies present their…
Know-Center-Expert with lecture at CDO-Group-Meeting of the Green Tech Cluster
With the CDO-Group, the Green Tech Cluster pursues the goal…
Learning Layers project nominated for VET Research Award
The EU project Learning Layers, in which the Know-Center's Area…