Forging Processes Receive Intelligent Support
Artificial intelligence identifies quality deficiencies and improves manufacturing processes in the forging industry for aerospace components.
360° certification for Artificial Intelligence
New initiative launched for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.
Intelligenter Chatbot unterstützt Lehrlinge beim Arbeiten und Lernen
Der Chatbot „Rebo at Work“ stellt selbstverantwortliches Lernen in den Mittelpunkt.
Artificial intelligence enhances student‘s reading comprehension and health related knowledge
The web-based application Heli-D supports students in their studies.
Data Registers and Data Protection are Reconcilable
How to analyze data without decrypting them first.
Recommendation systems require far less data than anticipated
Study refuted after replicated by Know Center: Lots of personal data are no guarantee for better recommendations by Netflix & Co.
Leadership in innovation via trustworthy AI
Stefanie Lindstaedt commenting on the draft of EU’s ‘Artificial Intelligence Act’ decree.
Digitising Industry: Artificial Intelligence Facilitates Knowledge Transfer and Preservation
Intelligent analysis tool supports engineers in the fields of risk and quality management.
Faulty high-end conductor plate detection by using AI
Artificial intelligence is successfully conquering the conductor plate industry.
Digital Skills Schecks
Digitale Kompetenzen erwerben und von Förderung profitieren
New Learning App will Prepare Young People for the Digital Future
Raising awareness and staying safe online by means of intelligent learning software.
Automation in motorsport waiting in the wings
New study compares human and autonomous driving behavior.