New funding programme Ideas Lab supports SMARAGD project in which the Know-Center is involved
SMARAGD, a project in which the Know-Center is involved, is…
Know center expert with two presentations at Competitive & Market Intelligence Conference
The Competitive & Market Intelligence Conference in Luxembourg is one…
#LetsCluster Summit: Lectures by the Know-Center experts on Data-driven AI and Smart Technologies for Health
Eight events, a High-Tech-Expo and the opportunity to exchange experiences…
Kristina Lerman spoke on CS Talks about social media algorithms
Your friends are just more popular than you are. At…
Big Data Essentials: Become Big Data Experts with the Know-Center
Three modules, many interesting topics around Big Data, Data Science…
New book on Data Management by Matthias Böhm published
"Data Management in Machine Learning Systems" is the title of…
Know-Center works with European Commission on networking Digital Innovation Hubs
A total of 150 Digital Innovation Hubs (DHIs) have applied…
Coding Contest co-organized by Know-Center breaks all records
As hosts of the Catalysts Coding Contest, the Know-Center, the…
#LetsCluster Summit: Know-Center organizes a co-located event
The Know-Center at the end of March will also be…
From the press: AI for the future
Artificial intelligence is no longer a dream of the future…
Know-Center is kicking off AI in Styria
On February 7th the advantages and the potential of artificial…
The pharmaceutical industry is moving towards a digital definition of…