This Project is co-funded by the consortium members and
ECSEL Joint Undertaking within the scope of grant agreement No 783163. The JU obtains support by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, national grants from
Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain and Romania as well as the European Structural and Investement Funds.
Intelligent troubleshooting
During the production of semiconductor blanks, rejects frequently occur. The reasons are mostly traced back to the extensive manufacturing and production process, but where exactly errors occur oftentimes remains unclear. Know-Center has developed a machine-learning web tool to uncover the causes for production quality fluctuations. This helps optimizing and accelerating the entire processes in terms of supply and value chain.
In the semiconductor industry, however, the demand for highly qualified people, who are flexible and well versed at using innovative tools remains at a high. As part of the project, Know-Center developed the “Learning Reflection Widget” app together with ELMOS, which documents and promotes the continuous training of employees.
Digital twin promises technological progress
With the help of digital twins, European companies are expected to gain a decisive technological advantage, as data and processes are used for networking not only within companies, but also among each other globally. iDev40 is funded by ECSEL Joint Undertaking and the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF).
More about iDev40