From the Social Computing Team, Sebastian Dennerlein has successfully presented the demo paper “An Online Social Knowledge Repository for Informal Workplace Learning” at the EC-TEL 2015 conference. This paper is about “KnowBrain”, an open source Dropbox-like knowledge repository with social and collaborative learning features for informal workplace learning. KnowBrain can support, integrate and foster various collaborative learning processes related to daily work-tasks by leveraging and improving inherent meaning making processes.
The paper can be downloaded here.
This demo was awarded with the Special Mention Third Demo Award.
Congratulations to the whole KnowBrain Team!
Complete Bibliography:
Dennerlein, S., Theiler, D., Marton, P., Santos Rodriguez, P., Cook, J., Lindstaedt, S. & Lex, E. (2015). KnowBrain: An Online Social Knowledge Repository for Informal Workplace Learning. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Springer International Publishing