SIGRAD 2015, a conference of the Swedish Chapter of Eurographics, took place at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm on 1st and 2nd June 2015.
It is the premier Nordic forum for computer graphics and visualization advances for academia and industry. It brings together researchers and practitioners with interest in techniques, tools, and technology from various fields, such as visualization, computer graphics, visual analytics and human-computer interaction.
The paper “Exploring Time Relations in Semantic Graphs” was presented by Ralph Wozelka, from the Knowledge Visualization Team at Know-Center, who was astonished about the interesting discussions during the conference. It is about the visualization of temporally distributed events and entities related to these events like people, organisations, locations and such. The visualization was also evaluated with a dataset of around 120.000 news articles which showed the usefulness of the approach in a pilot study.
Complete bibliography:
Ralph Wozelka, Mark Kröll and Vedran Sabol: “Exploring Time Relations in Semantic Graphs”.