The paper titled „In-App Reflection Guidance: Lessons Learned Across Four Field Trials at the Workplace” was authored by Angela Fessl, Gudrun Wesiak, Sandra Feyertag und Viktoria Pammer from the Ubiquitous Personal Computing team at Know-Center in cooperation with Verónica Rivera-Pelayo from IBM Germany. It presents a concept for in-app reflection guidance and its evaluation in four work-related field trials. The paper shows that computer-based reflection guidance can function in the workplace, in the sense of being accepted as technology, being perceived as useful and leading to reflective learning.
The paper was written within the MIRROR project and was first published in May 2017, later being added to the October-December Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Journal. The journal has an impact factor of 2.267, as stated in the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report of 2016.
The full paper can be downloaded here.
We congratulate all authors for this success!
Full bibliography:
A. Fessl, G. Wesiak, V. Rivera-Pelayo, S. Feyertag and V. Pammer, “In-App Reflection Guidance: Lessons Learned Across Four Field Trials at the Workplace,” in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 488-501, Oct.-Dec. 1 2017.