‘Digital Leadership’ – a term that is particularly topical nowadays and is becoming more and more valuable. On 04.05. Know-Center will give a lecture in a ‘Uni for Life’ seminar on ‘Generating added value from data – Identification and evaluation of data-driven use cases’.


On 04.05. the free kick-off of the workshop series ‘Digital Leadership’ will take place, which was recently launched by Uni for Life in cooperation with the UBIT section of the WK Steiermark.

Know-Center expert Christof Wolf-Brenner will give an exciting presentation on ‘Identification and Evaluation of Data-Driven Use Cases’ at the online seminar – with the answer to the following question:

How can added value be generated from data and how can this affect your consulting business?

More about the workshop

The 4-day workshop will start in autumn 2020, more information can be found under the following link: Uni For Life – Digital Leadership.