Green energy is smart

Coordinate energy communities. Tracking recyclables in products and later reusing them as raw materials elsewhere. Predicting a drought in Southern Europe based on early signals. With our privacy-preserving energy solutions, we bring innovation to your business models, ensuring competitiveness, security, and resilience of our energy supply.

Success Stories

REVAL – Identifying and Prioritizing AI Use Cases
REVAL – Identifying and Prioritizing AI Use Cases
  • The data value check provides solid recommendations for the implementation of data-driven projects in companies.
  • Reval was able to identify optimal AI application scenarios based on facts and minimize risks in the subsequent implementation.
Theater Holding
Theater Holding
  • Thanks to artificial intelligence, Theaterholding Graz reaches culture lovers via perfectly personalized recommendations..
  • The use of artificial intelligence provides deep insights into the customer needs.
  • Saubermacher AG relies on a customized, scalable software solution for optimized route planning of waste transportation.
  • Up to 20 percent less CO2 emissions each year per collected ton of waste.