The Duke’s Choice Award is the highest award that is granted by the Java community. Innovative and high-impact projects are chosen by an expert committee. This year Mario Zechner (Know-Center) got an award for his open source project libGDX. LibGDX is a cross-platform game development framework allows programmers to write, test, and debug Java games on a desktop PC running Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X and deploy that same code to Android, iOS, and WebGL – enabled browsers – something not widely available right now. The goal of libGDX, says creator Mario Zechner, “is to fulfill the ‘write once, run anywhere’ promise of the Java platform specifically for game development.” Former Duke’s Choice Award winners are prestigious projects such as Hadoop, JRebel oder Netty.
Mario Zechner has been at the Know-Center since 2006 as expert for data analytics. Congratulations Mario!
Read more about libGDX here!