
(Enterprise) Search Solutions

(Enterprise) Search Solutions

Do you have a lot of accumulated but poorly retrievable corporate knowledge? Do you want to make your data sources, such as websites, intranet, file system, MS-SharePoint, etc., searchable and available to authorized users via a uniform interface?

We can develop an individual solution for you. We work with open-source technologies and a framework developed by Know-Center. For optimal search results, we use AI-based methods.

Possible areas of application:

  • Unified search results via in-house data sources
  • Collaboration tool for publications and in-house data collections
  • Webcrawler and trend viewer to monitor trends and competitors
  • Webcrawler and trend viewer as a decision support for start-up founders or start-up consultants
Processing and Understanding Natural Language

Processing and Understanding Natural Language

Natural Language Processing methods are used to analyze and process natural language texts. Using NLP and AI methods, we create user interfaces for you and adapt existing systems accordingly. This will spare you the laborious, time-consuming and error-prone manual document analysis required to identify specific text modules (e.g., requirements). It allows you to categorize (e.g., index by keyword) your texts automatically.

Possible areas of application

  • Automated text categorization and indexing by keyword
  • Assistance with proposal management: find, extract and link requirements and standards automatically
  • Analyzing campaign efficiency via automated mood evaluation of (social media) contents
Signal data search and visualization

Signal data search and visualization

By fitting nearly each machine, facility and device with sensors, a wide variety of data can be recorded during the operation and made available for further analysis and evaluation. Understanding and utilizing this kind of data provides advantages by detecting potential problems early on, scheduling maintenance in time and avoiding unexpected downtime. Based on your needs, using our self-developed framework we implement customized applications to visualize large time series data sets, search for special signal patterns within these time series via AI and annotate data signal patterns.

Possible areas of application:

  • Real-time monitoring of plant and machinery
  • Real-time alarms by finding known signal patterns
  • Data preparation (annotation) to train AI models
  • Employee training by annotating and visualizing known signal patterns
  • Assisting maintenance technicians in finding root causes of faults and providing guidance during troubleshooting
  • Knowledge transfer between senior and junior employees
Route planning

Route planning

In the age of digitization, it is imperative to process orders as swiftly as possible. At the same time, a tense climate situation requires a most efficient resource implementation.
We implement customized solutions for you to organize your transport routes in the most cost-saving and climate-friendly way possible.

Possible areas of application:

  • Optimizing transport routes by considering various parameters, such as container fill levels, transport vehicle characteristics, predetermined time slots, road restrictions (e.g., weight limits), distances, etc.