
Smart use of big data is a decisive competitive factor for present-day enterprises. Your data is analyzed by our data scientists based on standard processing, such as CRISP-DM.

We use advanced analysis methods to unlock the value-added potential of your data and determine quality characteristics and optimization potential via production data, failure probabilities via machine data and customer characteristics via purchasing data. Our proximity to research enables us to involve excellent scientific experts whenever the best solution is considerably beyond the state of the art.

Success Stories

  • Saubermacher AG relies on a customized, scalable software solution for optimized route planning of waste transportation.
  • Up to 20 percent less CO2 emissions each year per collected ton of waste.
  • Procedure for automated evaluation of expected property right costs.
  • UnyCom managed to significantly increase forecast accuracy while reducing the maintenance effort for manual valuation rules.
Voestalpine Stahl Anode Replacement
Voestalpine Stahl Anode Replacement
  • During the production process of galvanized steel sheets, the anode condition has a high impact on quality and costs.
  • Together with Voestalpine Stahl GmbH a predictive hybrid maintenance model was developed which reduces energy costs significantly.