The „Wikimedia Deutschland“ association is a worldwide movement, advocating for the idea of free, open knowledge and has more than 20.000 members nowadays.
Several renowned, German-speaking experts from the field of Open Science – such as Klaus Tochtermann and Ulrich Herb – are among those who have already published articles as part of the series “Freies Wissen und Wissenschaft” (open knowledge and science), which was started by Wikimedia.
Now an interesting article by Peter Kraker from Know-Center was also published as part of this series, titled „Über die Notwendigkeit für mehr Offenheit und Transparenz in der Qualitätssicherung und Evaluierung: Open Peer Review und Open Metrics“ . This article talks about openness and transparency in quality assurance and peer assessment and specifically introduces the topics Open Peer Review and Open Metrics.
The article can be read here online (German only).