Digital Transformation at Work

09.09.2020 | Language: german | Slides: english

Research and technology trends in Big Data and AI

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Slides in english

Target Group:

C-Level, managers, and experts who are interested in problems and current solutions for learning and working together. This time the focus is on distributed teams and organizations (for example in the home office).


The term "Work 4.0" has long been used (based on "Industry 4.0") to summarize the process of change in the world of work in the digital age. Working methods today are changing more and more to adapt to the challenges and opportunities of the digital world.

Companies and their employees can work more and more flexibly and independently of where they are located. Thanks to e-mails, chats, and the home office, they can be reached quickly and networked with each other.

Due to the current situation, the home office is not only coming to the fore for a few professions and fields of activity but is explicitly recommended for all areas.

However, working together, yet distributed with each other, poses elementary challenges to both the organization and its employees. Many of these are still not adequately solved, because successful cooperation is more than just the simple provision of, for example, intranets and network drives, and also requires completely new skills (and associated lifelong learning), which must now of course also be trained and consolidated at home.

The topic of this lecture is, therefore, to first give a design and socio-technical perspective on the ongoing digital transformation; and to discuss proposals for solutions from research and practice in the area of joint learning and working, such as

  • Company-wide knowledge cycle

  • Artificial / Assistive Intelligence to support current processes and decisions

After the event you will know:

  • Relevant problems with regard to distributed collaborative working and learning in companies

  • The Know-Center Knowledge Cycle for the company-wide use of information along the entire value chain

  • Possibilities for supporting current processes and decisions through Artificial / Assistive Intelligence including their potentials and limitations

  • Using the example of document-centered process support, for example, in the submission of offers ("Request for Quotation")

  • Selected research results on the digital transformation in the workplace

  • Design opportunities in the face of the ongoing digital transformation


Hermann Stern

Hermann Stern

Business Area Manager Data-Driven Business

Viktoria Pammer-Schindler

Viktoria Pammer-Schindler

Research Area Manager Data-driven Business