CLAIRE strengthens European excellence in AI research and innovation and forms a huge alliance of an innovation and research network for AI in Europe. The network was launched in 2018 and now has already around 3518 supporters – consisting of AI experts and industry. This initiative not only supports the development of AI in Europe, but also helps Europe to be a decisive step ahead. For Styria, the initiative is another milestone in the development of the European AI innovation landscape.

The CLAIRE initiative aims to create a Europe-wide network of centers of excellence in AI, strategically distributed across Europe. The network is additionally headed by the Claire Hub, which is intended to be the hub for AI talent and strongly promotes the exchange and interaction of researchers. Know-Center CEO Stefanie Lindstaedt supports the initiative and is among the 3518 supporters.

“I am very pleased to be able to support CLAIRE’s vision and to help move forward the business drivers AI and Machine Learning on European soil. The time is absolutely ripe to use the existing synergies of the European AI community in a collaborative manner and to intensively expand them,” said Lindstaedt.


CLAIRE is the acronym of ‘Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe’ and stands for ‘AI made in Europe’.


More about CLAIRE