On Friday 17th April, the European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL) is conducting an international online-panel session on the European educational policy reactions for technology-enhanced learning (TEL) due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler will be representing Know-Center.



One of the many consequences of the outbreak of COVID-19 is the way our behaviors and routines have changed. One such aspect that has had to quickly shift gears and change its course, is how to teach and learn. Even during this pandemic, while many industries have taken a hit, Technology-Enhanced learning has actually boomed.

In order to take stock of this situation, EATEL is organising an online-panel session to assess the European educational policy reactions for technology-enhanced learning during this crisis situation.

Several speakers will report about policy reactions in their countries. Implications for the field of TEL will be discussed and future scenarios will be outlined.

Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Research Manager Data-Driven Business at Know-Center will discuss this topic together with other TEL experts from Research, Higher Education, and Industry.


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Date: Friday, 17 April 2020 

Time: 5pm

More details about the event