Know-Center is an active member of the HiDALGO (an EU-funded 3-year project involving an interdisciplinary team of 13 partners from seven countries (Dec 2018 – Nov 2021)). HiDALGO advances HPC, HPDA and AI technologies in order to improve data-centric computation to master Global Challenges. In order to further this objective, HiDALGO will conduct a workshop as a part of the HiPEAC event that will take place in Bologna from 20-22 January 2020.
Aim of the Workshop: To attract and bring together different stakeholders from the HPC and Big Data arena, from researchers to end users. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about advanced HPC, HPDA and AI technologies to improve data-centric computation. Associated workshops, tutorials, special sessions, several large poster sessions and an industrial exhibition will run in parallel with the conference.
Contents of the Workshop, organised within the framework of the HiDALGO Project:
- Introduction of the EU project HiDALGO, its Portal and its services
- Presentation of three global challenge case studies
- Migration: We apply our agent-based simulation framework to predict where displaced people will arrive. This allows decision makers and NGOs to allocate humanitarian resources accordingly.
- Urban Air Pollution: We provide policy makers and society with an easy-to-use HPC computational tool that forecasts air pollution in cities with a very high resolution, 1 meter at street level.
- Social Networks: We aim to understand the spread of messages in social networks, to identify false / malicious messages and to develop a highly scalable simulation framework.
- Followed up by an interactive and hands-on session with our participants, who will create a workflow with HPC simulations, which will be further put into visualization stage, thereafter corresponding blueprints will be created, and finally run them from the Portal.
Workshop details:
- Date: Jan 21, 2020
- Time: 10:00 – 13:00 hours
- Venue: Bologna Polo Congressuale, meeting room Beige C
- Please prepare a 1 min lightning talk about your own (research) topics and interests. Also, do bring your laptop along.
- Registration:
For more information, follow this link