The main aim of the Conference was to bring together professionals, in order to highlight latest projects, good practices and share information on what is being done in the field of Purchasing and Procurement.
In today’s business world, Procurement is considered as one of the most important forms of value creation and is expected to continue to develop its strategic potential through constant innovation and change.
An esteemed panel of speakers shared new visions and testimonies of how Procurement is and will continue to evolve in organizations due to the advent of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning.
Our Strategic Intelligence expert, Nelson Silva, spoke specifically on the subject of Supply Chain Intelligence as a Single Source Procurement and presented a case study on how relationships, risks and challenges in the Supply Chain can be uncovered and evaluated through the combination of Competitive Intelligence expertise, Text Analytics, Graph Analysis, and Visual Analytics algorithms. Thereby, gaining valuable information on competitors and being proactive by enabling strategic decisions even before new problems occur in the supply chain.
This invitation was the result of a collaboration between Luis Madureira (Managing Partner at Überbrands) and our Know-Center expert, Nelson Silva (Business Area Manager for Strategic Intelligence) alongwith a direct invitation from Filipe Barros (Executive Manager at Supply Chain Magazine).