The paper titled „ Introducing mood self- tracking at work: Empirical insights from call centers” is co-authored by Angela Fessl and Viktoria Pammer from the Ubiquitous Personal Computing team at Know-Center and describes the impact and benefits of mood self-tracking in work-related settings. A mood self-tracking application in two call centers was investigated through two field studies. Results indicate that mood self-tracking is accepted and can improve performance if the application is well integrated into the work processes and matches the management style.
The paper was written within the MIRROR project and will be published in January 2017 in ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, which is the flagship journal of the Computer-Human Interaction community with an impact factor of 1.293 (as stated in the Thomson Reuters database of 2015).
We congratulate all authors to this great success!
Full bibliography:
Verónica Rivera-Pelayo, Angela Fessl, Lars Müller, and Viktoria Pammer. 2017. Introducing mood self- tracking at work: Empirical insights from call centers. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 24, 1, Article 3 27. (January 2017), 28 pages.