We are SEEKING YOU – talented people interested in showing your skills, ideas and creativity on how to utilize digital objects and improve their distribution in the Web. You are free to implement algorithms and visualisations, design innovative UIs, integrate data sources or even come up with a marketing strategy for the project platform. And if you have your own idea – just bring it on!
The EEXCESS Hackathon is located at the i-KNOW 2015 conference which you can ATTEND FOR FREE, enjoy the keynotes and the atmosphere! There will be plenty of food and drinks including cool evening events.
Besides, you can get to know nice people, increase your skills and win NICE REWARDS: 1st place: 500€, 2nd place: 300€, 3rd place: 200€ & all others: cool gimmicks.
Registering for the Hackathon is simple, just send an email to eexcess-hackathon@know-center.at until October 18, 2015. You will be notified until 19th October, 2015!
If you want to find out more, have a look at the hackathon’s website.