Intercultural exchange is an important milestone in the Know-Center’s philosophy. In the light of this, the Know-Center and the Knowledge Technologies Institute (KTI) at the Graz University of Technology celebrated on May 27th 2013 a farewell party for Andi Rutherford, an exchange researcher from Mendeley Limited (UK) who has been working at the Know-Center/KTI for the last three months. In the framework of a “Mostabend” (Cider Night) the Know-Center’s team and Andi Rutherford took part in an exchange of Austrian and English ciders. This article is only available in german.
Andi Rutherford was a visiting mathematician from Mendeley Limited (UK), of one of the Know-Center’s business partners, and worked on the TEAM project, an EU-funded research project within the Marie Curie Programme. His task was to further develop the semantic entity extraction from PDF files ie. to convert the PDF into a machine readable format. During his stay he took part in a number of reading groups and team meetings where he contributed with his insights and his experience. “Especially in regard to scaleable techniques and dealing with big data, his input has been very positively received. One of the results of his secondment in Graz is a scientific publication, which summarises his work on DOI extraction and the current state of how this system is being used by publishers.”, commented in this regard Dr. Roman Kern, Leader of the Knowledge Discovery Team.
Click here to read Andi’s personal feedback on the Know-Center, our work, or even just Graz in general.
Here are some pictures of the “Mostabend”: