
Lack of support for time-critical document-heavy work processes such as Request for Quotation analysis, audits and compliance make these processes expensive, manual and therefore error-prone. Unclear process descriptions, interfaces and task areas also create inefficiencies.
The process knowledge available in the company is not used or only used suboptimally. The tools and knowledge loops required for document-centric work processes are not integratively available, although they are highly frequent and essential for the company’s success.


Artificial intelligence can significantly improve document-centric work processes such as RFQ, compliance, and audits. This enables a focus on creative expert work and innovative task sharing. An individual collaborative workspace integrated with all relevant tools also leads to high user satisfaction.


Time and costs were reduced. Compliance is increased – through the contextualized use of expert and process knowledge.
Together with you, we develop a new work routine. Work processes can be rethought through AI: Reworking and redesigning the previous document-centric work process makes it efficient and sustainable. Extra work can be eliminated through work-integrated support of document-centric work processes.

Optimize knowledge work
Learn how our solution optimizes your work processes, increases your efficiency and leads your company into the future.
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