Evaluation for Effectiveness, Fairness, and Utility
Recommendation systems are ubiquitous in our digital world, influencing our…
AI-Driven Energy Consumption Prediction
AI can improve the prediction of energy consumption, for providers and consumers. This aids with sustainability goals and a better understanding when it comes to efficiency measures.
Solving Bias and Discrimination
Fairness and equality in AI not only foster progress but also enhance the well-being of society and economy.
Towards Trustworthy AI
Create an AI strategy that is both future-proof and trustworthy, and realize long-term competitive advantages.
Generative AI: Transforming Business Models
Anyone who shies away from AI technology will produce more expensively or worse than the competition and will drop out of the market in the long run.
Early Digital Safety – Digital? Sicher!
The Know Center develops cutting-edge solutions fostering responsible cybersecurity behavior and awareness among young generations.
Understanding, analyzing and optimally using AI
Better algorithms and faster innovation. Xavier enables deep-learning model errors…
Augmented reality and agriculture
Visualization of production and process data using bio-metaphors
ChatGPT3 – Comment by Know Center CSO Roman Kern
GPT-3 is a so-called Language Model, i.e. it is a…
Trustworthy AI – fair, secure and explainable
Artificial intelligence is the foundation for solving the big problems…
Protected search – Safe recommendations
Latest recommendation systems show immense potential in data protection. Privacy…
Safe exchange
Secure data exchange and data security open the door to…
Quantum Side Channel Attack
Evaluations on quantum hardware should be secure. At the Know Center, a vulnerability due to existing "noise" was tested and found.
Understanding the reasoning behind AI can be essential
AI helps make predictions in critical areas, like the enforcement…
AI – future challenges
Creating a new now – humans and AI
ChatGPT-3 – An analysis for a better tool
How to enforce fairness
Biases in AI – Change for fairness
How can AI lead to unfair and biased outcomes? And how to fix it.
AI – state-of-the-art
Gold standards that shape the future
AI – a quick look back
Defining AI history and its benchmarks
Strategic Intelligence Analysis: Supply Chains, Competitors, and Markets
To support insurance experts in their news research, the Know…
Analysis: Predictive maintenance and process optimization
The Kow Center is working with has-to-be GmbH, Europe’s leading…
Signal data – search and patterns
Heat detection and proper timing of artificial insemination are essential…
Better Music for the ears
Faire music recommendations are good for everyone