During the Health Tech Hub on January 27, 2022 in Graz, members of the Human Technology Cluster selected the “Corporate Call 2022” winners. About 60 companies from 16 European countries submitted their ideas, prototypes or already implemented projects.
Know-Center’s Data-Driven Business area won the Corporate Call “Digital health literacy for all”, which was called for by Lebenshilfen Soziale Dienste. The goal of the call was to find ways to enable active participation of all people related to the healthcare system. It includes providing targeted support for people with a wide range of initial conditions to develop digital health literacy.
© Human Technology Styria
How do you bring health literacy closer to people with disabilities, people with migration backgrounds or older people who have little or no access to the usual information platforms in a low-threshold way?
Know-Center has been working for years on socio-technical design and technology-enhanced learning in different application contexts, such as in companies, in university contexts or in the health sector. What matters is not only what people know, but what they can do – in other words, what competencies they hold. Teaching and learning solutions must focus on the sustainable teaching and training of competencies and consequently on expanding the learners’ scope of action.
Know-Center resorts to a broad range of expertise from research and industry-related projects and provides targeted support to organizations on their way to comprehensive solutions for competence-oriented education and training for a broad variety of target groups. A wide repertoire of established and innovative concepts (e.g. reflective learning), methods (e.g. adaptive, digital training) and tools (e.g. learning objectives widget) are used.
Solutions for making health literacy accessible to all are based on three fundamental approaches:
In combination with these three approaches, Know-Center wants to work together with Lebenshilfe Soziale Dienste in the future to make society more suitable for all and enable the greatest health participation possible for people with the most diverse initial conditions.