Ein von Know-Center gemeinsam mit Forschern unseres wissenschaftlichen Partners – des Instituts für Wissensmanagement (Technische Universität Graz) – verfasstes Paper wurde bei der World Wide Web Konferenz 2011 angenommen.A paper of researchers from Know-Center and the Knowledge Management Institute has been accepted at the World Wide Web Conference 2011.
An article by researchers of the Knowledge Management Institute (Graz University of Technology) and the Know-Center, is once again accepted for publication at the World Wide Web conference 2011. The technical program includes contributions by top-class research groups from the leading international universities and research institutions such as MIT, Stanford, or Cornell. With about one thousand participants is the World Wide Web conference the largest and internationally the most significant scientific event in this research area.
The accepted papers are repeatedly seminal and quite often groundbreaking. For instance, the first presentation of, at that time, a Stanford Web search project, out of which Google arose, took place at the World Wide Web conference. The accepted paper by the researchers of Know-Center and the Knowledge Management Insitute presents an evaluation method for semantic structures that emerge in collaborative social tagging systems on the Web. With this novel method it is possible to assess the suitability of such structures for different tasks, in particular for tasks related to navigating the Web.